Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Would Like to Ask....

To my blog friends and visitors,
On Friday, my daughter, who is having difficulties in school, brought home a paper talking about a school trip that the 8th grade class will be taking in October of 2010. The 8th grade class will be taking a trip to Washington DC. The cost of this trip is estimated to be 1,300 per child. I have told my daughter if she could keep her grades up she will be allowed to go. Well living on a Minister's salary makes it a little difficult for us to be able to save up the money to go. So I am asking if anyone would be willing to make donations for the svg/png files they download. I am going to start adding new files tonight (hopefully). My daughter really wants to go on this trip, and if this trip can be used as an incentive to help my daughter improve in school then that would be a blessing in itself.
So to the right I have added a donation button. All donations will be used for her trip. I will leave the button up until we have received the amount that will get her to Washington DC.
Thanks in advance for your contributions.



  1. Tricia,
    I hope this is giving your daughter something to look forward to! I will try to help as much as I can :) I know its hard, we are a 1 income family too and the schools seem to always be asking for money for something!


  2. Oh I know. We are barely making it week to week. If ebay would pick up then I would have no problem making the money, but my sales have gone way down this year.

  3. I donated a little something, I dont use paypal much but wanted to send what I had in it :)

    Ebay has gotten really bad! I noticed even the huge sellers who used to ger $400 a layout arent getting it anymore.

    The economy :( Ugh!


Free Halloween Color Page~Witch Hat

Happy Sunday.  Hope you had a great day.   I spent some time today doodling and created this adorable Halloween color page. Feel free to sav...