I have been browsing the internet and found what is called Digi-Stamps. I thought that is so cool. Digi-Stamps give you a stamped look without an actual stamp. It is a design that is drawn, that one can size to their liking, print, and then color in with color pencils, markers, or water color to give a stamped effect to any handmade card or paper piecing. Imagine, having stamped images that you can store on your computer instead of having to find room to store mounted stamps.
Anyway, being the crafty kind of person I am, I have been playing around on my computer and came up with my own Digi-Stamp. And I'd like to share it with you. You can download this Mother's Day Digi-Stamp
Enjoy, and share this link with your friends.
I would love to learn how to do this if you don't mind sharing. You are a very talented lady I just love yourblog.
I'm looking forward to using this one in a couple of months. Thank you!